UFC-u pristupila najbolja borkinja iz Kazahstana

Mariya Agapova i Valerie Loureda
Nakon što se jučer pojavila informacija kako će UFC jednu svoju ovogodišnju priredbu odraditi u Kazahstanu, pojavila se nova informacija koja bi tako nešto možda trebala i potvrditi. Naime, članica UFC-a postala je Mariya Agapova, najbolja borkinja iz te azijske države.

Lako je zaključiti UFC-ovu strategiju odlaska u Kazahstan. Radi se o državi koja je deveta u svijetu po površini i u kojoj živi 15 milijuna stanovnika te samim time i ogromno tržište koje osim toga obožava borilački sport. Također je riječ o državi koja predstavlja sudar svjetova, odnosno svojevrsnu granicu Europe i Azije. Jedini je problem bio što do sada nismo imali priliku upoznati puno vrhunski boraca iz te države.

No, nakon što se ranije ove godine angažirali Shavkata Rakhmonova, koji će 21. ožujka odraditi svoj debi u Octagonu, UFC od sada na svom rosteru ima i najbolju kazahstansku borkinju. Dosadašnja članica Invicte, Mariya Agapova, objavom na Instagramu je otkrila kako će svoju iduću borbu odraditi u Octagonu.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Dreams Come True. This is a translation of one of my tattoos. I always knew and felt it. Today something happened that I have been going all my life to. Thank you Shannon @shanknapp for giving me the chance to show myself in @invictafc. Thanks to my teammates. You have no idea how much you mean to me! A year ago, I looked at you from the TV screen. And I promised myself that I would become as strong as you. And now we are a team. And you helped me all the time on my hard way. And now I am UFC fighter like you. Thanks to my best managers in the world @alexdavismma @alexeyzhernakov @alexandrromashov13 for their well-coordinated work. And help me in every bad situation. Thanks to my coaches who put a lot of effort and work into me @rinat_bahitovich @deoliveira_coach @kingmofh @macarraodossantos @katelkubis @evertonvvoliveira @rocco.fabricio Thanks everyone! The guys from the gym this year became my family. I came here every day, even when it seemed to me that everything was over, and my dream never come true. I woke up every day, and watched the inscription on the sheet that I would fight in the UFC in 2020. And I went to ATT. Fighters from all over the world, from different states, are training there. And we have no one here but each other. We are really a huge family. And I'm incredibly happy that there are so many amazing people around me, and that I have become part of a huge family. In one family you are born, and one family you find(c) @brian666werner I'll write a book soon guys. And now this book has a happy ending! And thanks to my beautiful followers, my suns for your help, donations and support! You were my ray of light in bad moments! Thanks to your help, I paid for the house, bought food, and did not give up. Because you all supported me! My guys! Thank you for everything. In a couple of months I will be in the resource to send each of you a thanks gift. Thanks all my friends for supporting me! And for all this time I understood one thing: Not all the people who hug you are your friends. And not all people who beat up you - your enemies. @amandaufcribas @amanda_leoa @joannajedrzejczyk @maryna_moroz_ufc @markaomaluko @valerieloureda

Objavu dijeli Maria Agapova (@mma.mashka)

Agapova je već prošle godine imala pokušaj ulaska u UFC preko Contender Seriesa, no tamo je bolja od nje bila Tracy Cortez. Nakon toga je odradila dvije borbe u Invicti te je u obje slavila i time svoj profesionalni omjer dovela na osam pobjeda i samo jedan, taj spomenuti poraz. Bilo je to dovoljno da UFC njome odluči pojačati svoj roster. Inače je članica American Top Teama i trenira na Floridi.

UFC bi svoju premijernu priredbu u Kazahstanu trebao odraditi 13. lipnja i to na Astana Arena stadionu koji prima 30.000 ljudi.

23. veljača 2025 08:02